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:::Diary entry date::::: 13-01-2017
:::Weather::::: Mostly cloudy, Sunny spells, Windy, Hail, Cold enough to see your breath
:::Feeling::::: blah have a runny-nose cold

:::State of my room -
Dust::::: dusted.
:::Bed made or tidy::::: I'll change the bed tomorrow, darn it!!
:::Carpet::::: Recently vacuumed ^-^/
:::Heaps::::: of items to be sorted.

:::Work?::::: Yes

:::Weight? (Stones and pounds)::::: 1213
:::What extras did you eat YESTERDAY ? #1::::: Ginger oat cakes
:::What other extras did you eat YESTERDAY ? #2::::: Piece of festive (minus icing) or chocolate cake in canteen during break
:::What OTHER extras did you eat YESTERDAY ? #3::::: Ginger oat cakes

:::Quick Twitt:::: extra hours had me working ten till six